Friday, 13 March 2020

Increasing the Number of Subscribers to Your Blog

Increasing the Number of Subscribers to Your Blog

In your effort to continually share valuable, educational, exciting content, one of the motivating factors is that other people will read what you are sharing and benefit from your expertise. Once you get people to read your blog (and, hopefully, continue to read your blog), your next goal is to start to develop a relationship with them and eventually convert them to clients and get them to share your content with other people.
Understanding the value of your target audience members
When it comes to your business, there are many things that you shouldn't take for granted. One of those things is the importance of other people not only reading your blog but sharing it as well. With blog writing (or writing any content), your blog subscribers are extremely important. In fact, it is safe to say that they are critical to the success of your business. Without them, you wouldn't get anywhere at all.
If your content is what it should be and it engages your target audience, the people will read many blogs and you will know about it. A positive result of that is the increase in traffic.
Of course, when you think about traffic, you don't just want random people to read your blog, you want qualified, appropriate people to read it and share it. The key is to get the people who start reading your blog to continue to read all of the blogs that you share and to tell other people about your blog as well. The question that you may be asking right now is, "How do I do that?" Well, there are some different ways that you can accomplish that.
  • Make sure that your blogs are optimized: If your blogs are optimized, they will appear at the top of the page when a person is searching for what you are offering. It will not require a great deal of effort for you to optimize your blogs and it will be well worth any effort that you make. Another important thing that you will definitely want to include is an effective call-to-action (CTA). You will soon notice that the CTA makes a big difference in how people respond to you and interact with you.
  • Make sure that you give your target audience members the opportunity to opt-in: If you put a box in your website's landing page, you may be surprised at how much you can increase the number of subscribers you get (or increase). If people like what they are reading, it is not a big leap for them to opt-in to receiving other information that you have to offer on a continuing basis. Many people will be willing to give you a way to contact them. If you happen to have multiple landing pages, you should add the box to each one of them.
  • Offer an incentive for new people: There are many possible incentives that you can offer, such as an eBook, white paper, discount of some sort on your offerings, etc. In general, people love to feel that they are getting something for nothing. It makes them feel special and everyone loves that.
  • Your blog is a stepping stone for the rest of your content: If you do it right, people will be excited about your blog, and they will want to keep reading. The next, logical step after that is that they will want to read other content that you have shared. That is exactly what you want to happen. The more they read, the more they will understand how much valuable knowledge you possess. That is also another wonderful thing to be able to share with other people whom they know and trust.
  • Allow them to subscribe to your blog through your homepage: Since increasing your list of subscribers is so important and website visitors are also vitally important, why not make it really easy and combine the two? If you give your website visitors (and potential subscribers) the opportunity to subscribe to your blog right on your homepage, the chances are that a large number of those visitors will be willing to do just that.
The truth is that you want to increase the number of subscribers of your blog because that benefits your brand/business. Ask your target audience members to give you what you need; however, ask in a very polite way. It is also effective to share other content and offer valuable comments on that content. People will appreciate your insight. As always, it is all in the approach. You should never assume that other people have a responsibility to sign up. They certainly do not. It is their choice, not their obligation.
Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications LLC. He has over 25 years of experience in IT and web technologies. Mr. Cohn founded CompuKol Communications to help small businesses and entrepreneurs increase their exposure and reputation on the Internet. CompuKol consults, creates, and implements communication strategies for small businesses to monopolize their markets with a unique business voice, vision, and visibility.
Prior to that, Mr. Cohn spent a significant amount of time at a major telecommunications company, where his main focus was on initiating and leading synergy efforts across all business units by dramatically improving efficiency, online collaboration, and the company's Intranet capabilities, which accelerated gains in business productivity. His expertise includes social media marketing strategies; internet marketing; web presence design; business analysis; project management; management of global cross-matrix teams; systems engineering and analysis, architecture, prototyping and integration; technology evaluation and assessment; systems development; performance evaluation; and management of off-shore development.

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