Saturday, 14 March 2020

Run A Great Affiliate Marketing Business With This Advice

Run A Great Affiliate Marketing Business With This Advice

If you are not familiar with all the ins and outs of affiliate marketing it will be extremely helpful for you if you did some research. While this can be a very lucrative opportunity, there are some chances of losing more than you gain. Being aware of the entire process can only be a good thing for you.
Affiliates with blogs should be keeping their readers informed at all times. Blogs by nature have regularly updated content, and thus they receive recurring visitors. Create a resource page for your visitors so that they can easily check and find old content if they are interested in knowing more.
Do not try to trick your readers, by hiding your financial stake in your links. Your visitors are used to affiliate marketing and they know that you are running a blog or site in order to earn money. Let them know that you will be making money from the links that they click on. They will be more likely to go ahead and click, if you are upfront with them.
Know the audience that you are trying to entice. Take into consideration why they are coming to your site and what they are interested in. Make sure that the affiliate products that your site is offering to them provide a solution to your visitor's problems. Keep with the theme of your site.
As part of your internet marketing plan, consider including a surprise freebie with every purchase you ship out. This freebie need not be particularly valuable. It could be a branded promotional item or surplus inventory you need to get rid of. The surprise is the important thing. A surprise freebie will make customers think better of you and encourage them to come back and buy again.
A great way you can appear to be trustworthy to your audience in article marketing is to use testimonials on your site or within your articles. Testimonials from real users show that the product or service you're marketing is actually effective and can help people for the better if they only purchase the product.
Without real-time data, you can't learn soon enough which links or ads are productive. Make sure that any affiliate program you consider offers a secure website with 24-hour access to real-time statistics. This data will show which different recommendations, strategies, text links and banners are working and which aren't. This matters even more if you do online advertising with programs such as Google AdWords, as this information may stop or prevent you from wasting money.
Before getting involved with a particular affiliate program, test the products before you start promoting them. Do research about the products that you are considering to make sure that they are going to be something that your target audience is going to be interested in buying and will return to buy something more.
As the beginning of the article stated, it is important that you do your research on affiliate marketing. Make sure that you fully understand every aspect of it before you attempt to make any investments into anything. If you have any doubts about anything then it is best that you not participate.
Kurt Tasche creates content on the subjects of Internet marketing, ways to make money online, and how to become a successful home business entrepreneur. You can learn more by reading his blog at:

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Friday, 13 March 2020

Increasing the Number of Subscribers to Your Blog

Increasing the Number of Subscribers to Your Blog

In your effort to continually share valuable, educational, exciting content, one of the motivating factors is that other people will read what you are sharing and benefit from your expertise. Once you get people to read your blog (and, hopefully, continue to read your blog), your next goal is to start to develop a relationship with them and eventually convert them to clients and get them to share your content with other people.
Understanding the value of your target audience members
When it comes to your business, there are many things that you shouldn't take for granted. One of those things is the importance of other people not only reading your blog but sharing it as well. With blog writing (or writing any content), your blog subscribers are extremely important. In fact, it is safe to say that they are critical to the success of your business. Without them, you wouldn't get anywhere at all.
If your content is what it should be and it engages your target audience, the people will read many blogs and you will know about it. A positive result of that is the increase in traffic.
Of course, when you think about traffic, you don't just want random people to read your blog, you want qualified, appropriate people to read it and share it. The key is to get the people who start reading your blog to continue to read all of the blogs that you share and to tell other people about your blog as well. The question that you may be asking right now is, "How do I do that?" Well, there are some different ways that you can accomplish that.
  • Make sure that your blogs are optimized: If your blogs are optimized, they will appear at the top of the page when a person is searching for what you are offering. It will not require a great deal of effort for you to optimize your blogs and it will be well worth any effort that you make. Another important thing that you will definitely want to include is an effective call-to-action (CTA). You will soon notice that the CTA makes a big difference in how people respond to you and interact with you.
  • Make sure that you give your target audience members the opportunity to opt-in: If you put a box in your website's landing page, you may be surprised at how much you can increase the number of subscribers you get (or increase). If people like what they are reading, it is not a big leap for them to opt-in to receiving other information that you have to offer on a continuing basis. Many people will be willing to give you a way to contact them. If you happen to have multiple landing pages, you should add the box to each one of them.
  • Offer an incentive for new people: There are many possible incentives that you can offer, such as an eBook, white paper, discount of some sort on your offerings, etc. In general, people love to feel that they are getting something for nothing. It makes them feel special and everyone loves that.
  • Your blog is a stepping stone for the rest of your content: If you do it right, people will be excited about your blog, and they will want to keep reading. The next, logical step after that is that they will want to read other content that you have shared. That is exactly what you want to happen. The more they read, the more they will understand how much valuable knowledge you possess. That is also another wonderful thing to be able to share with other people whom they know and trust.
  • Allow them to subscribe to your blog through your homepage: Since increasing your list of subscribers is so important and website visitors are also vitally important, why not make it really easy and combine the two? If you give your website visitors (and potential subscribers) the opportunity to subscribe to your blog right on your homepage, the chances are that a large number of those visitors will be willing to do just that.
The truth is that you want to increase the number of subscribers of your blog because that benefits your brand/business. Ask your target audience members to give you what you need; however, ask in a very polite way. It is also effective to share other content and offer valuable comments on that content. People will appreciate your insight. As always, it is all in the approach. You should never assume that other people have a responsibility to sign up. They certainly do not. It is their choice, not their obligation.
Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications LLC. He has over 25 years of experience in IT and web technologies. Mr. Cohn founded CompuKol Communications to help small businesses and entrepreneurs increase their exposure and reputation on the Internet. CompuKol consults, creates, and implements communication strategies for small businesses to monopolize their markets with a unique business voice, vision, and visibility.
Prior to that, Mr. Cohn spent a significant amount of time at a major telecommunications company, where his main focus was on initiating and leading synergy efforts across all business units by dramatically improving efficiency, online collaboration, and the company's Intranet capabilities, which accelerated gains in business productivity. His expertise includes social media marketing strategies; internet marketing; web presence design; business analysis; project management; management of global cross-matrix teams; systems engineering and analysis, architecture, prototyping and integration; technology evaluation and assessment; systems development; performance evaluation; and management of off-shore development.

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Thursday, 12 March 2020

Is Blogging Dead? Does it Really Have a Future in 2020 and Beyond?

Is Blogging A Dying Trend?

Is Blogging A Dying Trend?

When blogging first started, it was a chance for anyone to have their say online because they didn't have to worry about all the tricky aspects of setting up a webpage. While there are still some writers and those with strong opinions who use blogs to exercise their freedom of expression, many more have realized the huge potential of blogs as a chance to earn money online, and as a marketing tool.
The free content you post can lead to paid content you will sell. Information marketing is booming, as is online education. You could also turn your content into a membership blog, or a structured eCourse.
Themes, Widgets and Plugins
Gone are the days when you have to be an expert coder or website developer to create a professional-looking site and add great features to your site that your audience will love. On the navigation bar are widgets, which can help you show off all your content and get more readers as they click through your recent articles and categories.
Plugins are small programs that can add functionality to your site such as turning it into an eCommerce store and allowing you to get paid for your work.
Marketing Tools
The best plugins are ones that allow you to market your business with just a few clicks. Other plugins allow you to optimize your content for search engines, and even communicate with them directly and automatically through creating a site map of all your great content. More marketing means more traffic, and more traffic can mean more sales if you are offering the right items to your target audience.
Being Mobile Friendly
One of the best things about a blog is that the modern themes are all mobile-friendly. That trend is here to stay, so smart business owners need to know they can service it, and that their website will look good on any size of screen.
Offering Multimedia
Blogging is no longer just words on the page. It can be images, video and audio too. The written content can be articles, lists, Top 5s and more. The important thing is to offer variety so your readers will keep coming back for more.
So is blogging a dying trend?
The answer is definitely no. It is alive and well, but it will keep on changing as new users, devices and trends come and go. Keep an eye on those trends and your blog will remain healthy and profitable.
Are you are ready to be a better blogger? Discover 21 different one-a-day tasks and activities for getting more traffic, more prospects, more customers and more sales. Download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog, at

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Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Make Money Blogging (How We Built a $100,000/Month Blog) 10 Steps

How To Start A Profitable Blog

How To Start A Profitable Blog

Making an income as a blogger is possible. Some bloggers are making a million dollars a year from their blogs, but many more are making an average $50K to $100K income. And you can too if you know how to start a profitable blog.
Choose Your Technology Wisely
The important part when it comes to your profitability is choosing technology that allows you to do what you want to do. For example, self-hosted WordPress is the best choice when it comes to your blog because you own it and you don't have to go by anyone's rules.
The other thing you'll need is an autoresponder that will work with your type of business. In other words, read all the terms of service and fine print for all the technology you choose to use.
Pick a Profitable Niche That You Will Enjoy
If you're going to need to create content about anything, it's a very good idea to like the niche. Even when you have a million-dollar profit potential, if you don't enjoy it, you're not going to be consistent and stick to it. If you have passion about it, it's going to come a lot easier.
Know Your Audience Well
Once you choose a niche, even if you're part of the audience, do your due diligence on a continuous basis, researching and engaging with the audience. When you've built up an audience, they'll begin to tell you exactly what they want so that as you grow, choosing products and services for them will become easier.
Promote Products They Need and Want
So many people approach business backward. You want to first choose the audience, find out what their pain points or problems are, then put those solutions right in front of them where they like to hang out. This is always going to be a simpler way to profit than creating a product, then trying to find the audience.
Be Consistent with Providing Valuable Content
Once you know your topic and niche and audience, you can start creating consistent content that gives value to the audience. If you focus on the value you can provide over what you're selling, sales will almost be automatic - as long as you are still remembering to create a call to action and offer products that are solutions.
Understand Your Marketing Options
Depending on your product, services, and niche, you will have different marketing options. You'll want to use a multichannel marketing approach. Some free marketing, some paid marketing, some influencer marketing and so forth, will go farther than relying on only one marketing method.
Get Out from behind Your Keyboard
As you build your audience, you'll need to start choosing to be seen and heard and not just stay behind your computer if you want to grow more. Today, live events, webinars, in-person seminars and more are all important ways to increase your authority, build your community, and find more ideas for products and services to promote to your audience.
Are you are ready to be a better blogger? Discover 21 different one-a-day tasks and activities for getting more traffic, more prospects, more customers and more sales. Download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog, at

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Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Blogging Tutorial For Beginners 2020 [Made Easy]

Get The Most From Your Blog Posts

Get The Most From Your Blog Posts

When it comes to starting a blog it can sometimes be a lonely experience...
You are dedicated to writing great content full of helpful information that you know your target audience will love.
But how do you get the best from every one of your blog posts?
More importantly how do you reach the people who really want to read what you have to say in your blog?
Well that's what I'm here to help you with. I have put together a few guidelines that if followed should significantly increase your blog posts reach.
Blog Post Checklist
1. Blog Title
When writing a title for your blog post you need to give it some serious thought. The title is your headline, it is the thing that will make people decide if they want to read further or just pass on by. Try and keep your title short and to the point. Always include your main keyword within your title in order to improve your posts SEO. If you are struggling to come up with a title you like try 'Portents content idea generator' for some alternative and often amusing suggestions.
2. Content
Ensure the main body of your post is easy to read. Minimise paragraphs to no more than five lines. keep sentences short - twenty words or less is recommended. Use plain English - this is no place to show off your grasp of the longest words in the English language. Break your text up with sub-headings - this not only makes your readers experience easier to take in it also makes your post look more interesting.
Remember your blog will be read by like minded people who are interested in what you have to say, but never the less you still need to ensure the content is interesting enough to hold their interest.
3. Images
Be sure to include one featured image at the very least. Humans are visual creatures and an eye catching feature image will get their attention. When you upload an image ensure that it is not too large in terms of data size so that it will load quickly. Don't forget to fill in the alt attribute box for your image and be sure to include your keyword's in the description.
4. SEO
SEO stands for search engine optimisation. Basically the better your SEO the more chance your blog post will have of appearing higher up in search engine rankings
There are a number of things you can do to improve your SEO.
Make sure your main keyword/s is included in your title, in the first paragraph of your post and used often throughout your post.
Ensure your post is at least 1000 words long as search engines like a decent amount of content.
Include alt attributes in the images you use so this will display in the event of your image no loading.
Also write a short meta description and include your keyword/s. The meta description is the text that appears under your main title in search engine results.
5. Links
Try and include links in your post whenever possible. Link to external sites as well as directing people to relevant places on your own website or other blog posts they may find interesting. Including links also helps with your SEO.
6. Credit Your Sources
If you have done research for your blog post or have used quotes or content from other places, be sure to give credit to your sources. This will not only give credibility to your own content it will also show your readers that what you are saying is backed up by reliable sources.
7. Social Sharing
When you set up your blog be sure to have social sharing buttons available from the start. This gives your readers the ability to share to their chosen social platform with just one click.
8. End and Publish
Finally end your post with a question to your readers in order to encourage comments. Alternatively present a call to action related to your post i.e. download your free guide here.
The final thing to do before you publish is to proof read the whole thing. If you need to make changes do so, then proof read the whole thing again to be sure it is all as it should be.
Post Publishing To Do List
1. Share and share again
Once you have published your blog post the first thing you should be doing is sharing to every social media platform that you have a presence on. Don't stop there though, post to all relevant groups and communities also. Do this everyday for the first week in order to reach as many people as possible. Try posting at different times in order to spread the reach of your blog post. If you have a presence on Pinterest then create an eye-catching image to go with your post. The optimum size for a Pinterest image is 736 x 1200 pixels.
2. Respond
Respond and reply to ALL comments (good or bad) on your blog posts. After all even bad feedback if it is constructive can help us all learn and improve.
3. Develop Alternative Content
Explore ways of turning your blog post into alternative content. For example you could record a verbal mp3 version for download from your website. If you are intending to post on a regular basis why not consider turning your post into a podcast? Maybe get in front of the camera and record a video to post on YouTube with links back to your own website.
4. Revive old posts
Don't think that just because a blog post was done two, three or four months ago that it has served its purpose. Go back over your old posts, update and improve them if necessary then give them a new lease of life by re-sharing and re-formatting.
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